Are you utilizing outdoor spaces as you envisioned when purchasing your home? Do you wish you had more lighting for entertaining? Have you thought about outdoor lighting for security as well as functionality? Palmetto Outdoor Lighting offers Charlotte homeowners services that include landscape, deck and patio, pathway, and curb appeal residential outdoor lighting

Lighting is essential to keeping you, your family, and your home safe from criminals. While it was once thought that motion sensor lights would deter them, it has been found that dark homes, even with sensor lights, attract criminal activity.

Benefits of Outdoor Lighting

Think about how you desire to use the space around your house. Creative lighting can make your yard feel like an extension of your home while, at the same time, adding a level of security you may not have previously considered. 

  1. Increased security. Criminals are looking for dark homes and yards, so adding outdoor lighting will deter them from your property and send them elsewhere. We recommend having outdoor lighting on timers that run from sundown until dusk. Whether you’re home or not, your house has a level of protection. 
  2. Curb appeal. Go beyond the beauty of the home to create an ambiance for the entire property with outdoor lighting. In addition to being appealing for selling the home, outdoor space illumination adds curb appeal. Utilize Palmetto Outdoor Lighting services to create beauty on driveways, walkways, flower beds, pools, and entertaining spaces.    
  3. Neighborly relations. Be aware of how your lighting impacts the neighbors. You may want a bright light on a pole to cover your yard, but the light may be shining into the neighbor’s bedroom. Instead, opt for landscape lights and downlights on paths, around pools, and across the home’s perimeter. This will ensure the home is lit enough but not a bother to those nearby.
  4. Light the darker places. Use outdoor lighting in areas you may not have thought about, like behind the garage or toolshed, in the pool house, or at the back of the yard where you don’t usually walk. Not only will it add an artistic feel to the space, but it will also add security to the yard by leaving fewer dark places to hide. 
  5. Go green. Using LED lights increases security at a minimal cost. You’re using less power from the grid, adding beauty to your property, and protecting your family. 

Consider Palmetto Outdoor Lighting for your outdoor lighting needs. We can create an inviting ambiance for visitors and curb appeal while increasing the security and functionality of the spaces you desire to utilize more. Call us today for a free quote!